I started by writing a simple user function for individual strings, but I got to thinking that I may want to automate some of these cleanup tasks and ended up putting something together that allows for a bit more the flexibility. The following creates the basic string user function, along with two procedures to perform the cleanup at the column and table level:
Function: fn_npclean_string
use [master] go set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go CREATE function [dbo].[fn_npclean_string] ( @strIn as varchar(1000) ) returns varchar(1000) as begin declare @iPtr as int set @iPtr = patindex('%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%', @strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN) while @iPtr > 0 begin set @strIn = replace(@strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN, substring(@strIn, @iPtr, 1), '') set @iPtr = patindex('%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%', @strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN) end return @strIn end
Procedure: sp_npclean_col
use [master] go set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_npclean_col] @DatabaseName varchar(75) = null, @SchemaName varchar(75) = null, @TableName varchar(75), @ColumnName varchar(75) as begin Declare @FullTableName varchar(100) declare @UpdateSQL nvarchar(1000) if @DatabaseName is null begin set @DatabaseName = db_name() end if @SchemaName is null begin set @SchemaName = schema_name() end set @FullTableName = '[' + @DatabaseName + '].[' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @TableName + ']' set @UpdateSQL = 'update ' + @FullTableName + ' set [' + @ColumnName + '] = dbo.fn_npclean_string([' + @ColumnName + ']) where [' + @ColumnName + '] like ''%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%''' exec sp_ExecuteSQL @UpdateSQL end
Procedure: sp_npclean_table
use [master] go set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go create procedure [dbo].[sp_npclean_table] @TargetDatabase varchar(75) = null, @TargetSchema varchar(75) = null, @TargetTable varchar(75) as begin declare @getColSQL nvarchar(750) declare @textCol CURSOR declare @curCol varchar(75) if @TargetDatabase is null begin set @TargetDatabase = db_name() end if @TargetSchema is null begin set @TargetSchema = schema_name() end set @getColSQL = 'select sc.name from ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.columns sc join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.types st on sc.system_type_id = st.system_type_id join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.objects so on sc.object_id = so.object_id join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.schemas ss on so.schema_id = ss.schema_id where so.type = ''U'' and st.name in (''text'',''ntext'',''varchar'',''char'',''nvarchar'',''nchar'') and sc.is_rowguidcol = 0 and sc.is_identity = 0 and sc.is_computed = 0 and so.name = ''' + @TargetTable + ''' and ss.name = ''' + @TargetSchema + '''' set @getColSQL = 'set @inCursor = cursor for ' + @getColSQL + ' open @incursor' execute sp_executesql @getColSQL,N'@inCursor cursor out',@inCursor=@textCol OUT fetch next from @textCol into @curCol while @@fetch_status = 0 begin exec sp_npclean_col @DatabaseName = @TargetDatabase, @SchemaName = @TargetSchema, @TableName = @TargetTable, @ColumnName = @curCol fetch next from @textCol into @curCol end Close @textCol DeAllocate @textCol end
Using these, invalid characters can be removed in the following ways:
By String:
select master.dbo.fn_npclean_string('Stringğ withħ įņvalidđ charactersŝ')
By table column:
exec master.dbo.sp_npclean_col [@DatabaseName = 'MyDatabaseName',] [@SchemaName = 'MySchemaName',] @TableName = 'MyTableName', @ColumnName = 'MyColumnName'
By table:
exec master.dbo.sp_npclean_table [@TargetDatabase = 'MyDatabaseName',] [@TargetSchema = 'MySchemaName',] @TargetTable = 'MyTableName'
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